Friday, October 21, 2011

What a feast

I'm back in Gothenburg after a short and highly productive visit in Italy. We arrived around lunchtime in Milan and were quickly out walking the streets. Milan is a fashion city and I would love to dress up accordingly for the shopping and browsing the streets but being pregnant you have to realise your limits and I wore sneakers for the whole stay. Due to the comfy shoes, I was able to do 9 hours of walking on our first day in the city - and that is after getting up at 4AM and sitting on two flights and struggling with ligament softening! So not a pretty shoe choice but a smart one! And we had fun!
What I love most about Italy is that everywhere you go, there is delicious food and divine coffee. So we ate, walked and talked and ate some more. Unfortunately, having to avoid unpasteurised cheeses I couldn't enjoy all the fantastic cheese dishes but luckily there is plenty of other things to eat. To make the most of our really one and only day off work, we hopped on one of those red sightseeing buses that takes you around the city in about 2 hours. This gave a good idea of what Milan is about and what it can offer on the next visit.
Thursday went to do some actual work - student recruitment is fun and very intensive. When we wrapped up and left the fair in the evening, we were exhausted and definitely ready for..some more hearty Italian food.
Then Friday came along and it was time to go back home. It had been great to stay the rest of the weekend and see and eat some more. But to be completely honest, I missed my boys so much and couldn't wait to get off that plane, inhale some fresh Scandinavian autumn air and put my arms around the family. I actually took the taxi from the airport straight to Noah's daycare and surprised him. He was thrilled to see me - or maybe it was just the fact that there was a taxi waiting for him outside. You can never tell, boys being boys ;-).

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