Noah's lunchbox was the kids favorite meal of all times; meatballs and pasta but for some reason, it didn't please his taste buds that day and he was not really eating. So the teachers asked if he please could finish his lunch since mummy had gone through much trouble to prepare him a lovely meal. "Don't you want to make your mummy happy?" they asked him. You won't believe what his answer was!!! "I will make my mummy happy when she makes me pancakes for lunch!" which upon he smiled and cracked up in big laughter. Seriously :-)?

Noah 1, 5 years old - East Perth, WA, Australia
don't they get lunch at pre-school?
They get brekkie, snacks etc but we bring lunch. Impossible to cater for 67 different nationalities, religious ways of eating plus allergies. We love it this way, we get to feed him what we want :)
This is the most amazing picture. I love this and I love what a little jokester Noah is. Some things really do run in the family!
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