Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bilingual learning

Noah loves his own bookshelf which contains a variety of English and Swedish childrens books. We read every day and Noah gets to choose whichs books we should read. He prefers if Shawn sticks with the English books (I don´t blame him) whereas I´m allowed to read in both languages. The favoured books are the ones with less pictures and more text and some evenings I´m so sleepy myself I can hardly stay awake til the end. I mean, 30-40 minutes of reading, laying down in a warm bed with a warm little person on your arm...not easy after a long day at work.
Anyway, currently Noah is in the process of learning to read and he just loves phonetics. He reads the letters out loud and tries to put them together. The other night we were reading a Swedish book and on the last page it said "The End". The Swedish word for this is pronounced " s l u u t" with a "long u". As he is trying to learn the phonetics of two languages at the same time, sometimes mixes the English and Swedish pronounciation of the letters. So...he reads it slowly and then proudly says "SLUT". I tried to be as pedagogical as I could in this moment where I was just cracking up of laughter :-). I explained that the Swedish word "slut" means "the end" in English. "Ohh", he said, "you mean finished mummy?". Yep. Yep, I did :-).

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