But not only that- in the early evening the pampering continued with taxi to Amusé, a one year old restaurant, awarded "Best new restaurant" after being open for only six months! The menu, that changes every month is a nine course dégustation with matching wines.

THIS is what our dear friends had arranged for Shawn and I to enjoy to celebrate my birthday! What a treat for new parents, a night out with fine dining, only the two of us. We had a fantastic experience and are soooo grateful for this wonderful night :-).
Love the pics as always but I have to say you look AMAZING in your birthday pics!!! hot mama indeed!!! muah!
Oooh! I'm so glad you enjoyed your evening out getting pampered.
Moa says you ate even when your tummies felt totally stuffed! :)
Love all the photos you have put up- and I can't wait to check out your lil patch of green-growing things!
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