Saturday, October 11, 2008


We now have a very quick crawler at home. The little man has also learnt how to stand up against almost anything and the first step is not very far away. Exciting times for mamma and pappa who keep the camera close to hand at all times!
Noah's vocabulary has expanded a little the last two weeks and "pa pa" is now a frequent word. I have picked up that he also says "atte" for "vatten" (water in Swedish), and yesterday he also made mormor very, very emotional as he called her "mo mo".

For the parents, we are now quite busy as cricket season has commenced. We have also started a little side project (more will be revealed in the near future) which we are very excited about. Other than that, we are enjoying our visitors from Sweden and try to make the most of the time while Noah's grandparents are here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mysigt det låter!! och va nyfiken jag blir på ert projekt!! höras snart!!!! cricket, blir det ngn för Shawn i år? kram kram