Monday, June 25, 2012

It starts early

Noah is one of the four boys in the class, the rest of them are all girls. Everyone plays well together and Noah likes all his friends at school. However, the last months Noah has been talking a lot about one specific girl; Caitlin. One day I asked Noah if he was in love with her where upon he replied yes. Of course I was curious to know why and he explained that it is because "she puts leaves in my hoodie". So cute... I love hearing about his friends and the relationships with each other but I was surprised to hear that he was already fond of a girl in "that way". I spoke to the manager at the preschool about it and she said it is very common around the age 4-5 to develop a more love like relationship with a girl/boy. And I must say, Noah has great taste in girls; Caitlin certainly is the prettiest girl at school and more so, she is a lovely character and suits him perfectly ;-).

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