Today there was a photographer at "Öppna Förskolan" so today we did my first outing; to walk down there with the two kids to see if we could get a good sibling shot of them. That did not happen. Noah got his eyes on a train track as soon as we got in to the room so suddenly he didn't want to participate - I'm not surprised at all :-). When finally get Noah up onto the mat, Vera was wiggling in his lap, getting too heavy to hold. In the end Vera was crying and Noah was not happy at all and just tried to slide off the mat reaching for the toys instead. Clearly, none of them wanted to be photographed and the pictures turned out...not good. Truly, they looked like two crazy ones haha!
At least I got to try out my knee again and now I know there will be another few days before life can continue as normal. It was a painful walk and tonight Im'm very swollen and with ice packs on the knees. It can only get better from here :-).
Below are some pics of Vera, trying to gulp down her hands whilst waiting for the photo shoot this morning.

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