Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"We don't do like that"

There are things that we don't do eg. pull the tounge out or say bad words. This rule is well known in our family. Of course Noah now has figured out away to "almost" gets around this rule by saying: "bajskorv (poop)" quickly followed by "we don't say like that". Or pulling the tounge out when angry and then quicky saying "we don't do like that". Very cheeky.
On the topic of poop, which by the way is currently a very frequent discussed matter, tonight when going to bed we talked about just..stools. So I asked Noah if he knows where there poop comes from: "Daddy". Well, it seems that daddy spends enough time on the toilet for all three of us!! :-)


David said...

Too. Much. Information.

Moa said...

LOL! Sounds like Ava and Linus if anyone farts, they always blame daddy!