Also we are lucky to have snow. Noah, as you can imagine, loves it all. He eats it, plays in it, goes down the slopes and tries to walk in the deep snow. I myself haven't seen snow since I was 7 or 8 years old, so I enjoy it as much as Noah.
Even though I miss my family over the festive season, it truly feels like Christmas in this winter wonderland. The temperature got down to -17 on one particular day......that was uncomfortable. But for the most part it has been great to go out in -5 to -10 degrees to see the snow covering the roads, trees, cars and houses. It feels like something out of a fairy tale, I must say it is a very special feeling.
Once we have established ourselves in Sweden it will be hard to leave behind the snow of winter. Inside the comfort of the house we are warm and cosy, so its not so hard to admire the weather conditions outside and celebrate it by baking, drinking warm drinks, eating great food and sharing time with family. Next Christmas and December will be very different; we will both be working, Noah will be in day care, and less time to appreciate the atmosphere.
I'm sorry to say that I don't miss the 35+ degree heat, hot car seats, mountains of sunscreens and trying to escape the heat. The Swedes that prefer Australia over Sweden may be proven right in the future, but the novelty of our first white Christmas will not wear off for some're crazy to give this up!!

Here are some of our finer moments of the past few the snow!
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