Monday, November 16, 2009

Warm Welcome!

Today it has been a warm day here in Lundsbrunn. A blistering 9 degrees!! I could go outside with out wearing a winter coat which was great (I still wore it, but I could have gone without). Its been almost a week since we arrived and we're starting to settle in well to the small town feel of the country side. I'm already sick, which I think is due to my body being in relaxation mode. Although we've done a few workouts, I haven't lifted weights and my body is resting up to tackle the stress of finding jobs, finding a house, and CHRISTMAS. Now that we've spent a week at Maria's parents I am well and truly ready to move out. I love them and their hospitality has been great but its like living at your parents house again, and with Noah you don't want to over stay your welcome.
No, I am very grateful for the place to stay, but I don't want to get too comfortable here. I have already sent out some CV's to various gyms and hope to get a response by Tuesday or else I'll have to ring them up which I don't like doing. One thing I have noticed about the gyms here is that they're mostly like the Fitness First style "cheerleader" style gyms. The focus on Les Mills group workouts and some have even tried to do CrossFit style workouts in the Les Mills mold. It doesn't sit well with me but as long as people are doing something I'll encourage it. As for working in one these places, I'll cope, and show them something different.
As confident as I am about finding a job, I am also apprehensive about the language and using it. I've been trying to do a little bit everyday but it seems to disappear the next day. I know it will take some time for it to click but i am hopeful it will be sooner rather than later.

Weather wise, it has been pretty much what I expected. Its cold, but bearable. The winter jacket I bought from Jeep, Harbour Town, is doing the job well which is a surprise because it was only $79 down from $289. A bargain to say the least. The other jacket I got from the guys at Fitness Results is being being put to good use by Maria, but I can't wait to use it on the sky slopes soon. Speaking of skiing, we have had a little snow which Maria has mentioned, so I'm hoping we get a bit more. I went for a brief run the other day, it was +3. I had, a beanie, gloves and thermals from my ankles to my neck. It was a good run but I couldn't breathe. The cold air just wasn't getting into my lungs. It was on of the rare occasions I felt like vomiting after a work out.

As I write, I'm not feeling the best, but I hope to be better tomorrow. As our second week in Sweden roles on my stress regarding employment grows. Its not an easy position to be in and sometimes I wonder if we've done the things the right way. (I'm positive we've done the right thing to move to Sweden, but......) Only time will tell and as the pressure rises I keep reminding myself we've only been in Sweden 6 days and tomorrow I will have to remind myself its only been 7 days. The sooner we find jobs the better I will feel. The rest will work it self out but I'm very aware of the importance of getting jobs ASAP!!

As we go this journey, we will keep you up to date with whats happening. We're suffering from a slow internet speed at the moment so you'll have to wait for more photos. When we're in Goteborg we'll have a quicker connection so we'll up load then.
For now, hoo roo!! (i Svensk, Hej da!)


Jo-Ann said...

Hiya Shawn & Maria,

We're glad for the updates !!! We hope you get better soon. It's just your body not used to it. It's very different when you are in holiday mode, but when you have to live there, it's when reality kicks in. Don't be too hard on yourself, you've got the holiday season coming so you will need to be patient on the job front. On the whole, it is fantastic to see you are embracing the Swedish weather :)

Love J&W

Moa said...

Great to see you posting Shawn, and even greater to hear your side of the coin with the stress of finding a job in a foreign country. It puts things a bit more in perspective for us who will follow ;) Continue keeping it real!

Sutanya said...

Hi Shawn and Maria,

I'm happy you guys arrived safely and are settling in and all that jazz. I have full ocnfidence that the both of you will find jobs and everything will work itself out and thennnn you have guys can look forward to having guests!!! woo hoo!!

Love you both lots!


2 become 3 its 2 become 4 for me a very nice blog love it