Friday, November 27, 2009

End of Week 2!

A lot can happen in a week....and a lot has happened. Our moods have been up and down, wondering what we'v put ourselves through but when the all is said and down we still come to the conclusion that we have done the right thing.
Step 1: Operation finding jobs, is looking decidedly better than a week ago. Maria has managed to apply for some positions that she feels confident in being a strong candidate. Even though the job market is supposed to be in bad times at the moment, the feeling is the things are on the rise for Europe....slowly! For me, things are slightly better, I have managed to snag a meeting with one the managers of Nordic Club in Gothenburg's Majorna facility. I'm really pleased and the feeling is that they need someone very soon. I don't want to jinx it but if I were to get a position there I think I would start immediately. The founders of Crossfit Gothenburg also want to meet me, which I'm stoked about. They are 2 policemen who are just about to open up to the public. It's a chance to get in on the ground floor on something I really want to be doing. I'm pumped to meet them and discuss a possible arrangement. They are keen to show me around and get me on board in someway.

Noah is adjusting better. Today at the playgroup he played well with the other kids and was just happy to be around some small people. Last night, after a long day stuck indoors, Maria, Noah and I ventured into Gotene to run some errands. We were in a shop and there happened to be some kids playing in a small designated play area. He was SO happy and ran off to play with them. However, when it came time to leave we had to stay an extra 5 minutes to accommodate him. After that 5 minutes there was a MASSIVE tantrum. He really misses being around kids and we can tell two things. 1: He will love dagis. And 2: He will LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE DAGIS!


Moa said...

awww, poor Noah, he'll be ok though and as you said, he'll love dagis ;) Great to hear the job front is looking up for you both, fingers crossed for you. I just got word that we didn't get a lot this round, we'll see if we have any luck with the next.

Anonymous said...

Man bygde ikke Roma på en dag, ting kommer. Må bare ta tiden til hjelp. Nyt advent og tenk positivt. Jeg er sikker på dette kommer til å ordne seg til slutt.
Klem C

Anonymous said...

Man bygde ikke Roma på en dag, tenk postitivt og nyt advents tiden. Dette kommer til å ordne seg for dere. Klem C