Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good News Week

Good news #1: I received my PR (Permanent Resident visa) today!!!
I'm allowed to stay Down Under until 2013 on this visa. And in a year I'm also eligible to apply for citizenship, which if granted means that I'm a "Aussie" and the visa hassle is gone forever, good stuff!

Good news #2: Noah took a first step towards a crawl today. Well done bub!

Good news #3: Noah got his first two teeth on Friday 22 August. Both at the same time, ouch!

Good news #4: We have finally decided to get a second car, so we've been to a couple of auctions this week.

Good news #5: All laundry got done today, thank God for child labour... ;-)

Uploading a couple of pics sharing what funny business we've been up to lately.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your PR!! Oops, sorry, it looked like I was yelling .. but only for certain words because I am so excited for you :)

Anonymous said...

grattis!!!!! fastän det alltså betyder att det blir ännu svårare att få " hem " dig kram ego isa ;)

Daggan och Puffis said...

jaaa!! barnarbete har ju vi också börjat med. barnen hänger med och leker i tvättkorgen och ven om dom inte producerar så mycket ordentligt jobb så känns det ju lättare att göra allting när dom är med, eller hur!