Established 16th of December 2003, the Calrey Family quickly began to flourish. Maria and Shawn's relationship rose to great heights before Shawn's planned departure to England in April '04. During the time away Maria visited Shawn in England and then took him to 'Meet the Parents' in Sweden. Thankfully it was a much more pleasant experience than in the movie. After having to separate again, good news has arrived..... a little one is on the way!!!
Maria, I love these pics!! Noah's little smile is magical. I didn't get the chance to comment on all the other pics from Sweden but it looks like you guys had such a great time! I just wanted to say thanks a bunch for starting this blog, especially for us over here in the states. It def helps in my feeling connected to Noah and its so amazing to be able to watch im grow up. I always always always look forward to the updates!! love you guys!
For en vakker gutt, og for en vakker mamma, du stråler og ser bare mer og mer fantastisk ut. Du kler mammarollen Maria, noe som ikke akkurat kommer som et sjokk.
Klem C
Hi!!! Your baby is beautiful!!
My name is Silvina, I´m from Argentina and I´m married. I´m 33 years old.
I love Perth. I dream with knowing Australia, especially Perth.
Sorry but may english is bad. I study english.
Well, I congratulate them by the beautiful one drinks that they have.
Id like to maintain contact to me with you, if it interests to you you can pass through my blog.
Kan vi bestämma redan nu att noah får en av mina tjejer att gifta sig med? Sååå sööt!!! Vilken heartbreaker. Du har rätt, mina vänner kommenterar ingenting fast jag vet att i alla fall mamma läser bloggen. Mmm, har ju dig.Ni ser så fina ut alla. Puss på er!
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