This week the calendar is filled with appointments- meeting up with the lactation specialists, child health nurses, the physio and a chiropractor, all to get things on track!
Met up with the nurse yesterday and she had excellent news. Even though Noah and I are struggling a little with the feeding he has managed to put on nearly 300 grams since last Friday.
This morning we also met with the lactation specialist who saw improvements in our technique of feeding- thank God Noah's lip has healed properly!
Also had a chat to the physio today about my sore wrists. It has been a hassle through the late pregnancy and has continued after birth as well. She confirmed that I have carpal tunnel syndrome and some 'bony' build up in the wrists. I must therefore wear thumb bandage on both hands 24/7 and eat anti inflammatory tablets for as long as needed. Apparently this can mean months in bandage and on tablets! Preferably I should minimise household duties, lifting Noah, changing him and even bath him. Since breastfeeding is a duty that requires lots of movement in the hands and wrists, she also pointed out that I shouldn't feel bad if I decide not to give the baby the breast. To get any better, I must rest the wrists. But hey, that is easier said than done!
Tomorrow we are seeing a chiropractor that specialises in newborns and babies that were posterior at birth. When the baby lays 'wrong' in the womb, it may cause some pain in the baby's back and when born it may struggle to sleep on its back and even get tummy aches. Since Noah was in a posterior position and get stomach aches and prefers sleeping on his side, we have decided to pay the chiro a visit. Hopefully we'll see an improvement after tomorrow :-)!

Drive faster Daddy! Zzzzz......
Hei Maria, vi hadde det samme med Christopher. Vi oppsøkte både kiropraktor og osteopat. Kiropraktor hadde ingen betydning for oss men derimot osteopaten gjorde underverker for han. Håper du blir bedre snart, det høres ut som om du har mye nå på engang. Husk å ta deg tid til å nyte det å være mamma, babytiden går fort..
Snar kommer vi tillbaka, kan du tänka dig. vad länge sedan vi sågs! Hoppas CTS blir bättre, Bea hade också det, hon säger att hon blev tillsagd att det försvinner självmant efter några månader, hennes var borta efter 3 månader efter My föddes. Om du behöver vila och inte vill amma hela tiden så kan ni ju kombinera, det brukar ju gå bra det också. har också hört att chiropractors kan vara väldigt bra för post-babies, eller ja alla barn som har det lite ont och jobbigt för den delen. Hoppas det hjälper.
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