I want to trust and believe in my body and the job it is designed to do but am well aware of that the confidence in the body can quickly be thrown out of the window if the pain gets to me!
One of the midwives at the Birthing Centre talked warmly about a woman who works privately with a non-medical approach to childbirth. She has designed a CD that can be played over and over in the labour room. It is created to assist the release of all prior programming about labour and birth which can then enable a woman and her partner to establish an inner confidence and trust in the labouring and birthing process.
Many might say this is all just bull**** but considering that the Birthing Centre's strongest drug is gas...we have decided to get the CD :-).

haftigt, who told you about the hypnosis cd? sounds interesting, don't think we heard about that one. Are you guys as ready as can be now? Ava is walking better and better every day. We've spent three days in Pajala at my grandmothers and she has ben practicing there.
It's a cd that they recommend now to everyone. The woman has also written a book called "Labour of Love" and Lara's sister who is studying to become a midwife knew about it too!
Can't wait to see Ava walking, maybe you can post a video on your blog?
Yeah I think we are mentally prepared for it to come anyday now, but still a few more practical things to sort out.
http://www.exportyear.co.nz/videoplayer.aspx?contentid=18048&video=ep11_pnt.flv&length=143 have you bougth a pram yet? Phil and teds are coming out with three new models, the vibe is the highest speched one. the link will take you to a video that features the new one in the background.
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