...as I ended up spending a few nights in the hospital!
After celebrating "Lucia" with the Swedish Club on Sunday afternoon, I found myself with no appetite and feeling uneasy. On Monday morning I started to vomit. At first I thought it was just a bit of morning sickness but I couldn't keep any fluids down at all. So got a bit worried and called the midwives who said it's quite common for women in the later stage of pregnancy to get tummy bugs. They said to call back if I still couldn't retain any fluids by 6pm.
By 4pm I was really dehydrated, disoriented with fever and sore kidnies. For these reasons I ended up in the hospital with IV therapy.
At one point the doctors were a bit concerned as the baby's heartrate was too high and their monitor showed that I had contractions two minutes apart. But after a few hours with the drip and antibiotics, bub and contractions settled as the fever declined.
I had to stay for a few nights as they wanted to keep us under observation and to do some tests. I had no clue that certain tummy bugs can cause nasty urinary tract infections and even premature labour! Thank God, I'm feeling much better, however, I'm extremely tired from this little drama and the drugs that were pumped into my system the last few days.
I had never stayed in hospital before but as I started to get better, I felt as I was in prison and was so unhappy. The ONLY thing I could concentrate on was that I wanted to GO HOME! I missed Shawn soooooo much and our own home with all the comforts.
When I was discharged and came home, the house was spotless and upstairs in the bedroom was a little surprise....Shawn had put together the babycot!
I was stunned when I lay my eyes on it. I sat down on our bed and just stared at the cot. The reality of the baby's arrival hit me and I was overwhelmed with feelings. Very soon, someone, a little person that we yet don't know, will move in with us and moreso, he/she is here to stay!
I love the cot, I think it's so pretty and looks perfect next to our bed...