Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Development updates

It is amazing to see the development of little babies, how quickly they pick up on things.. When they are awake they soak it all in, observes you and everything in the room. Big open eyes, turning the head from side to side checking out what is going on around them. Vera is the type of baby that does not accept sitting in the rocker when she is awake. For example, when the rest of us are having dinner she won't accept anything else than to sit up right in our lap watching us eat and being a part of dinner time. So pretty much she is carried around on the arm at all times, of course facing outwards, as in the Baby Björn or the sling she won't see a thing and miss out on what's going on. Curious little lady!
The last two weeks Vera started to reach out for her toys on the changing table. The last week when we are up close and play and talk to her she has been reaching out touching our faces, so sweet! Also, when she doesn't get our attention, she will hit us with her tiny arm until we look at her. Yesterday I saw her putting the index finger on the dummy so that it wouldn't fall out haha! So she is really starting to "awaken".

From the baby's development to the 4 year old.. Shawn was walking Noah to daycare yesterday morning and they were talking about the nature. He asked why there where no leaves on the trees so they discussed the different seasons and that the trees and plants needs sun and water to grow. Noah commented on it and said "just as the rainbow"...
Last week we discussed the sky and that you actually cant physically reach it. "No, our arms are too short" Noah stated. :-D
I find that I'm having difficulty recording all the comments from him as they are so many. But it's lovely to keep conversation and he gives us so many laughs and insights. Today the preschool class is going to Universeum as the theme of the month has been "under the sea". Even if we as a family have visited the museum many times before, he has never had this much knowledge about the animals as when he goes today. Can't wait to pick him up and hear how the day has been and what observations he's done!

On the way to dagis, it was 10 degrees and the ice was melting - spring is on its way:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy days

I cannot believe that I've been on maternity leave for two months already. Vera is still so little and vulnerable and I think about those poor mothers that have to go back to work when the baby is three months old. That would mean that Vera would start daycare in just a few weeks - it's feels absurd just thinking about it - she is tiny! This is when I feel very proud to be Swedish and I'm really going to embrace the culture here and enjoy every minute of what's left of my 18 months of paid maternity leave :-)!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Growing bundle

Today we went for Vera's 6 weeks check up at BVC and also got to see the pediatrician. Everything looks fine and since birth she has grown 6 centimeters and gained a whopping 1100 grams. No wonder she sleeps a lot :-).
Noah also came along to BVC today so that he also got to see the pediatrician (and play with all the toys at the clinic). The weather was so beautiful and it truly felt like spring is just around the corner so Noah was begging for an icecream. Since it was Friday and all he got a little treat and enjoyed the spring's first and very early icecream - wearing gloves brrr.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The haircut

After months of trying to convince Noah to have a haircut, he finally agreed to do it! We've told him that the hairdresser is not that scary and he would actually look really nice with a haircut and we have tried all type of bribes with no success. Even when I said that after the haircut, he could get anything he wanted from the toy shop, he kindly declined. He reasoned that he already had toys and didn't need anymore. Fair enough. So guess my big surprise, when I offered him 2o SEK instead and he just said "OK then". He likes to save in his piggy bank so it makes sense I guess - street smart :-).

Who is who?

I believe we got ourselves two look alike! What do you think?
Top left: Noah at the hospital on his birthday January 12th 2008. (His face his slightly ruptured from the birth though.)
Top right: Vera at the hospital, 1 day old, January 13th 2012.
Down left: Noah, his second week at home.
Down right: Vera, her second week at home.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Longed for...

Today Noah and I got some longed for quality time together, just him and I. We left pappa at home with Vera along with a couple of bottles of breast milk and went to the city for a few hours. In town, we went to the movies, had lunch and paid the toy shop a visit. In the morning Noah counted his coins in his piggy bank and for the first time, he took some money out to buy something for himself. Not too surprisin
g, he went for Lego which we put together when we came home. We had a great afternoon together, it was lovely just hanging out, talking, hearing his funny stories and being able to only focus on Noah for a while. He seemed to really enjoy it too but when I asked him about it, he said that next time, pappa and Vera should come along as well. How sweet of him - the more the merrier :-)!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tummy time

The little girl is now 5 weeks old, can't believe how quickly time pass by. As the nights are long (and short of sleep) we are still not out and about that much during daytime so we mainly just enjoy being at home. Except eating and sleeping, we do tummy time a few minutes every day as well as the baby gym. However the best activity, if you would ask Vera, is of course to just be carried around, preferable facing out so that she doesn't miss out on anything.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Water play

The kids love bathing together and we've got some great pics so far. We've chosen not to upload them here as they're not wearing any clothes but on the picture below, Vera is in the bath with Noah and you can really see how she gazes at him while he is showing off his tricks.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

On the note of love... When tucking Noah in tonight I told him that I love him, daddy and Vera very much. "And yourself?" he asked. I was surprised by his question so I asked back if he thought that was important, to love yourself. His insight about true love was astonishing, I think, as he explained that "if you love something, you also love yourself".

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fourth week and already a month old

Time flies, cannot believe a month has already past. But you can tell that the weeks have passed as Vera is more alert and absorbs everything she sees during those few moments when she is actually awake.
The other day, she reached out and tried to grab one of her soft toys that's on the changing table. Yesterday Vera stood up on her feet for several seconds and seemed very keen to learn this new technique. Shawn has also got his first smile of Vera this week which made him very happy. We talk a lot about what a miracle a baby really is. When you have your first child, you don't know what to expect and are just overwhelmed with the new situation that you are in. Now, we both feel that we can let it all sink in, enjoy it, relax and just be amazed with how incredible the human body really is that can create this wonderful bundles of joy.
Today we visited the BVC, Child Care Centre, the medical clinic where you take your kids here in Sweden. Vera had gained 250 grams since the home visit from the nurse two weeks ago. That is more than the double what they would like to see! Also, she has grown 4 centimeters since birth but I'm not so surprised though as she eats a lot. I truly feel like a milk cow!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Not only the little one that develops...

Sitting at the dinner table tonight I was stunned of how big Noah is getting. It is easy to forget when you have this tiny baby around that grows so that you visible can see the difference from day to day. Noah is accumulating all this knowledge and is happy to share with everyone at any time. This week he has been back at daycare every day and had lots of fun. The schedule normally involves both excursions and more focused teaching lessons. January was all about transportation and they went to visit the Volvo Museum and the Boat Museum which were big hits as Noah still talks about the visits every day. This month's theme is "Under the sea" so tonight Noah came home and told me all these facts about dolphins. He explained that dolphins are mammals since they have breast milk. They are not fish and are very social animals. And "daddy and mummy dolphins love their baby dolphins very much" :-). Just as at home then I guess..

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Check out the profile!

Look at this ultrasound picture of Vera from week 29. Below it is a profile picture I took of her this week. You can really tell it is the same baby :-)!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The first trip away

We decided to let daddy have some rest and to focus at work for a few days so this week we went to visit mormor and morfar in Lundsbrunn. It is perfect as Noah can head out in the snow on the slopes with his pulka, have fun and get spoilt by his grandparents while I can rest up a bit and look after Vera.
On Wednesday Vera gave away her first smile. Not to her mummy, as it usually goes, but to her brother - so sweet. I had to wait until today to get my first one. The heart melts when you see that toothless smile and the sparkles in the eyes, oh can't wait to get another one!