The last two weeks Vera started to reach out for her toys on the changing table. The last week when we are up close and play and talk to her she has been reaching out touching our faces, so sweet! Also, when she doesn't get our attention, she will hit us with her tiny arm until we look at her. Yesterday I saw her putting the index finger on the dummy so that it wouldn't fall out haha! So she is really starting to "awaken".
From the baby's development to the 4 year old.. Shawn was walking Noah to daycare yesterday morning and they were talking about the nature. He asked why there where no leaves on the trees so they discussed the different seasons and that the trees and plants needs sun and water to grow. Noah commented on it and said "just as the rainbow"...
Last week we discussed the sky and that you actually cant physically reach it. "No, our arms are too short" Noah stated. :-D
I find that I'm having difficulty recording all the comments from him as they are so many. But it's lovely to keep conversation and he gives us so many laughs and insights. Today the preschool class is going to Universeum as the theme of the month has been "under the sea". Even if we as a family have visited the museum many times before, he has never had this much knowledge about the animals as when he goes today. Can't wait to pick him up and hear how the day has been and what observations he's done!
On the way to dagis, it was 10 degrees and the ice was melting - spring is on its way: