Friday, April 24, 2009

Singing & Counting (...?)

One of Noah's frequently used words is "potaaaa". This is his own word for banana. If you say banan to him (which is Swedish for banana), he will happily respond to you with.... And random or not, the boy can count ;-)...

An afternoon in suburbia

It's school holidays so Aunty Serina stayed over one night this week and we had a great time. Here are some pics from the afternoon at the park across the road from where we live.

Keeping Aunty busy!

Swedish Playgroup

As usual we meet at Mondays to let the kids play and be exposed to their second language and the Swedish traditions.
This Monday we were at Swedish Frida's house and enjoyed their lovely backyard!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pappa's birthday today

Shawn's birthday was celebrated with lots of presents (such as a much needed new printer) and of course a homemade cake. And not any cake, a Winnie the Poh cake! Anything to stay young at heart!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

This weekend we have had visitors from Bunbury, our friends Emma & Steve. We got to meet their daughter for the first time, little Evie, that was born 364 days after Noah! Noah loved to have guests and shared both toys and food with 3 months old Evie haha. We have had a lovely weekend together, spending all Saturday in Fremantle at the Fremantle Arts Festival and this morning a late long breakfast in the garden.
This afternoon after the Todd family departed, mamma & pappa had a drink in the backyard whilst Noah had a play in his pool.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

End of summer

At the end of the summer it always gets busy with the winding up of the cricket season. Outside cricket dinners, BBQ's and such, this year there have also been baby shower, birthday parties, hens & bachelor nights and wedding.

The other week, we spent the morning at Point Walter and Noah went for a swim in the river.Check out my teeth!!
A hot evening in the garden
Kristy walking down the aisle to meet Adam...
Adam & KristyUs at the wedding receptionThe Melville girls with the bride

Eating with spoon

After months of just playing with his spoon during meals, 29 March Noah decided to change things around a bit and put the spoon to good use.