Christmas Eve turned out to a very relaxed event at home, just the three of us.
We spent the morning quietly at home and the afternoon watching "
Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar God Jul" on DVD. Here I'm assuming a big ? from all non-Swedish friends and family so here comes a little explanation;
In English, the show is called From All of Us to All of You. It is an animated television Christmas special, produced by Walt Disney Productions. It is broadcast on Swedish Television at 3 PM every Christmas Eve, in connection to the all-day traditional holiday programme during the day. The show has been broadcast every year since 1959 and has become a holiday classic. Ratings show that around 50% of all Swedes watch it on Christmas Eve!
So at 3 PM we sat down and watched our DVD version of the show and Shawn and I enjoyed a cup of glögg (heated red wine with spices such as cinnamon, cardamon and cloves- a very popular drink in Sweden during the Christmas season).
Later we had dinner and enjoyed some traditional food and drinks. Noah tried most of it and ate gladly with big appetite.
After dinner Noah got to open his gifts and even though he didn't understand the purpose of it all, he quickly picked up that ripping paper is f u n!
Below are some pics from the Christmas Eve: