To make a long story short; my stitches from the labour got infected and 10 days ago I had to go to the ER to get it checked out. (Not my favourite experience with Noah- sitting on hard plastic chairs for 5 hours with him in the triage which also doesn't allow children! Wait a minute, isn't it a women's hosptial?! )
Got prescribed two types of antibiotics which turned my and Noah's tummy upside down. The poor little one, who just got his colick under control, cried for hours. I therefore decided to put him on formula for the time being, until I finished the antibiotics. To ensure a continuing milk supply I had to pump it out several times per day. So to sum up the last two weeks I have pretty much cleaned bottles, sterilised bottles, mixed formula, fed Noah, pumped milk, cleaned bottles, sterilised bottles, mixed formula....yeah you get the point!
Yep, I have experienced the life 'without' breastmilk which ain't easy! Can't imagine to not have any milk and be forced to put bub on the bottle- it creates sooo much extra work! I'm amazed that the body can create this special blend of entree, main and dessert. Moreso, it's sterile, never runs out, available 24/7 and perfectly heated. What a great chef the body is hey??
Well, enough about breastmilk (what a terrible boring subject for all those who aren't parents- guess it puts you off, sorry guys!). By the way, feeling much better now and finished the medicine today, hooray!
This week Shawn was playing in Bunbury (2, 5 hours drive south of Perth) so I decided to come along for a few days. Noah and I stayed with Emma & Steve who just moved down south in December- was lovely to catch up. Emma, Noah and I went on excursion in to 'town' for lunch, walked along the beach and great BBQing with the boys at night. Of course, we also popped around the ground to watch some cricket ;-).
Today we had the day off together. Sunday arvo with the family, how wonderful! We spent the morning doing housework and later in the afternoon we headed down to Kings Park to relax with friends. Ended up visiting Chinatown for supper, yummy.
Below: Photos of Noah & Shawn, Moa, Dave & Ava, Shabhaz & Aaron.